Account groups
Last updated: 23/06/2024
Account groups allow you to group accounts together to allow you to easily post to several places simultaneously. This is particularly nifty if you have "equivalent" accounts on multiple platforms that should receive the same content.
Account groups can support an unlimited accounts, and will allow you to link two accounts from the same platform.
Account groups are limited to Threaditor Plus owners. Consider upgrading to Threaditor Plus to receive this feature.
Creating an account group
Navigate to Settings > Accounts & groups.
Under Account groups, select "Create an account group".
Give your group a name and select accounts to be a part of that group.
Select "Create".
Your account group will now be available for use!
Managing & deleting an account group
Navigate to Settings > Accounts & groups
Under Account groups, select the group you want to manage
Within this screen, you can choose to add or remove linked accounts, or delete the group entirely.
Last updated